Import from Egypt | | vegetables | fruit marble

Import from Egypt
Oranges from our farms.

Import from Egypt to Saudi Arabia

Importing from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia imports a lot of products from Egypt, including vegetables and fruits, as Egypt is one of the exporting countries for vegetables and fruits to Saudi Arabia.

Import from Egypt to Kuwait

Kuwait imports most of its agricultural products from Egypt and Egyptian products have a good reputation globally because of its excellent taste and taste that made it distinct from all the countries of the world producing and exporting vegetables and fruits

Import from Egypt to Jordan

Egyptian relations with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan have been close in the long term and these relations have helped to stabilize trade transactions between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Egyptian products in the Kingdom are characterized by high quality and good reputation, as well as very good prices.

Import from Egypt to Morocco

Egyptian exporting companies seek to enhance cooperation from companies operating in the brotherly Maghreb by exporting their best products for the second and also in order to enhance cooperation with them

Products you can import from Egypt

First: Fruit

Egyptian fruit is characterized by its international reputation due to its distinctive taste and its competitive price and the many displays of it

Here are some of the best types that occupy a high place in the international markets

Egyptian Orange

Egyptian oranges occupied the world's exports last year, where Egypt received the largest share of the world's export of oranges and Egypt has been seeking for several years to expand the area grown from oranges due to its high quality which made it required globally and in large quantities

This year, we are seeking to export 20,000 tons of oranges.


Egyptian Mango is very special in the world where Egypt exports huge amounts of it every year and also seeks to expand the area removed from it due to its quality and the increasing global demand for it

Egyptian Pomegranate

Egyptian pomegranates have a special taste and also have large quantities of it of various kinds and we seek to export up to 30 thousand tons of it this year


Egypt has the finest peaches and we exported 300 tons of high-quality Egyptian peaches last year.


We can provide the required quantities and more where the Egyptian market has large quantities of high quality grapes and has a good reputation globally and also at prices that are not comparable

There are also many fruits such as watermelon, apples, dates and cantelopes, and we require in our dealings first that our quality be of the highest quality for the sake of our reputation.


Egypt is characterized by many types of vegetables that it exports to all countries of the year including


Egyptian onions have a very high quality and therefore it has a great international demand so that Egypt is one of the largest exporters of onions



Cappucci lettuce

Leafy vegetables of all kinds

Pepper colors



We export spices of all kinds to all countries of the world and we are ready to export them in the required quantities and at the best prices.


The Arab Republic of Egypt has the finest marbles internationally recognized

Import law from Egypt

For orders and contact us

Phone: 00201022275025 : 00201100331487

Import from Egypt, import from Egypt to Saudi Arabia,, how to import vegetables from Egypt, import products from Egypt, import a product from Egypt